Marketing and Christmas
Although I was doing my best to avoid it, last night I saw the John Lewis Christmas TV advert. That no doubt means that the Coca Cola truck and its iconic ‘the holidays are coming’ jingle must be just around the corner, so I’m going to have to face it…Christmas is coming!
I’m not the Grinch I promise. I just prefer to keep Christmas around December and if possible the second half of December only! Despite this though, my working world where we help businesses and organisations with their marketing needs means that in fact I am thinking about the Christmas period well in advance of the festive season.
Our hospitality and leisure clients are hoping to secure bookings for throughout the Christmas holidays and before, whilst our ecommerce clients are trying to persuade customers to be truly in the Christmas (and giving!) spirit. Even our travel clients are busy working on their campaigns to try and secure early bookings prior to the festive season which falls immediately before their busiest booking months kick off in the new year.
How marketing is used at Christmas is getting more and more competitive which in turn leads to more coverage about it than ever before. There’s the anticipated TV adverts that now receive film critic-esque type reviews, the must have toy of the year that is always in short supply and social media battles for the Christmas number one spot in the charts.
In summary, Christmas is a great time of year for both brands and consumers. People look forward to giving (and receiving!) gifts and celebrate the festive season with generosity and businesses want to leverage the Christmas period to boost sales and profits by implementing these effective marketing campaigns.
Christmas might just be a few weeks away now, but don’t worry if you’ve not got round to thinking about your marketing campaigns yet. It’s never too late so if you’d like some help in getting the most from the festive season then get in touch.