As we celebrate 17 years of Mondo we look at how marketing and PR have evolved since 2007 - Mondo Marketing
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As we celebrate 17 years of Mondo we look at how marketing and PR have evolved since 2007

This September, Mondo Marketing is proudly celebrating 17 years of helping brands stand out! That’s right, since 2007 we’ve been riding the marketing and PR rollercoaster, adapting, innovating and sometimes looking back in amazement at just how much the industry has changed.


To honour this milestone, we’re taking a fun look at how marketing and PR have evolved over the past 17 years. Think of it as a “then vs. now” showdown – because let’s face it, the marketing world of 2007 was like comparing a flip phone to today’s smartphone. So grab a cuppa, sit back and join us on this trip through marketing memory lane!


2007 vs. 2024: A Marketing and PR transformation

1. Social Media: The Baby vs. The Giant

2007: “Wait, what’s Twitter?”
In 2007, social media was still finding its feet. Facebook was mainly a college hangout, Twitter was the new kid on the block and MySpace was your profile-pic playground. Brands were only ‘just’ starting to dip their toes into this new world, unsure if it was a passing trend or a real marketing tool.


2024: Social Media Marketing Powerhouse
Today, social media is the core of any marketing strategy. With platforms like Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter), brands can directly engage with audiences, build communities and even handle customer service. And it’s not just about talking – it’s about listening and responding in real time. Influencers and user-generated content have become crucial to successful campaigns.


2. Content Marketing: From Product Push to Storytelling & Value

2007: “We need a brochure.”
In 2007, content was pretty basic…brochures, one-pagers and maybe a blog post (if you were ahead of the game). The focus was on the ‘what’ explaining the product or service to potential customers and giving them something tangible to take away.


2024: “We need engaging content that tells a story.”
Today, content marketing is all about storytelling. It’s not enough to just describe what you do. Brands now need to engage and inspire their audience. Whether it’s blog articles, videos or eBooks, great content gives value, sparks conversation and builds trust. A printed brochure? Still valuable, but it needs to be part of a broader story that connects online and offline worlds.


3. SEO: From Keywords to Quality Content

2007: “Just add as many keywords as possible!”
Back in the early days of SEO it was all about the keywords. Cramming as many of them as you could into your content was the fast track to ranking on Google. It didn’t matter if the text sounded clunky or repetitive – as long as it got you noticed by search engines.


2024: “Write for humans, optimise for search engines.”
Now, SEO is about balance. The focus has shifted from keyword stuffing to creating meaningful, high-quality content that resonates with readers and search engines. Today’s SEO requires deep research and well-written, engaging content that answers questions, solves problems and keeps the audience coming back for more. Search engines reward good user experience – so when readers are happy, rankings follow.


4. PR: Press Kits to Real-Time Digital Communication

2007: “Let’s mail out the press kits.”
In 2007, a solid PR strategy meant sending out beautifully designed printed press kits to media contacts. Journalists expected detailed information packets and follow-up phone calls to set up interviews or cover stories. Networking was key and you worked hard to get your press release into the right hands.


2024: “Let’s engage the media digitally.”
Today, PR is much more fast-paced and digitally driven. While a professionally designed press kit is still valuable, most communication happens through email, social media, and online platforms. Journalists expect quick access to digital media rooms and press releases are often shared instantly on social networks. The reach of PR has expanded beyond traditional media, with bloggers, influencers and digital content creators playing significant roles in brand awareness.


5. Advertising: From Broad Reach to Precision and Print Staying Power

2007: “Let’s get a print ad in the newspaper.”
Print advertising reigned supreme in 2007. Whether it was a glossy magazine ad or a local newspaper spot, reaching a wide audience meant investing in physical ads. It was a “spray and pray” approach – get your brand in front of as many people as possible and hope it sticks.


2024: “Let’s run a targeted ad and print campaign.”
While digital advertising allows for precise targeting, print still holds its own as a powerful marketing tool. In today’s fragmented media landscape, combining traditional print with digital ads creates a multi-channel approach that reaches different segments effectively. Print ads in specialised publications, direct mail campaigns and promotional brochures offer a tactile experience that digital sometimes lacks. Brands are using both formats strategically to reinforce their message across different mediums.


6. Website Builds: Static Pages to Responsive Designs

2007: “Our website looks great on desktop!”
In 2007, building a website meant creating something visually appealing on a desktop computer. Mobile compatibility? Not much of a concern. Websites were fairly static, with basic navigation and little thought given to user experience across different devices.


2024: “Our website works seamlessly on all devices.”
Today, responsive web design is non-negotiable. With people accessing websites from smartphones, tablets, laptops and everything in between, websites need to look great and function well on all platforms. A user-friendly website is fast, intuitive and adaptable, offering a seamless experience whether someone is browsing on their phone or sitting in front of a desktop. A great website is no longer just a business card – it’s a central hub for your brand’s entire digital presence.


Looking Forward: What’s Next for Mondo Marketing?

As we reflect on these 17 exciting years, one thing is crystal clear: change is the only constant in marketing and PR. From the rise of new platforms to the revival of classic print methods, we’ve seen it all.


But what hasn’t changed?… Our dedication to helping clients stay ahead of the curve, embracing both the tried-and-true and the cutting-edge.


So, whether you’re looking for a dynamic digital strategy, a beautifully designed print piece or the perfect mix of both – Mondo Marketing is here to guide you through the next 17 years of marketing evolution.