Design & print Archives - Mondo Marketing
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Mondo Marketing - print and graphic design

Top 5 print design mistakes and how to avoid them

Print marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses looking to make a lasting impression. However, even the best designs can fall flat if common print design mistakes are overlooked. Here are five of the most common print design errors and how to avoid them to ensure your marketing materials look professional and polished.   1. Using low-resolution images One of the most frequent mistakes in print design is using low-resolution images. Digital images that look sharp on a screen may appear pixelated or blurry when printed. How to avoid it: Ensure all images are at least 300 DPI (dots per inch) for high-quality print. Use vector graphics where possible, especially for logos and icons. Always check the printer’s specifications before finalising your design.   2. Ignoring bleed and safe margins A design that extends to the edge...

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Signs of a safe recovery – show workers and customers the way forward 

Slowly, it appears that the recent lockdown is starting to see some relaxations. Whilst we’re all glad to have a little more freedom, the key reason for these moves by the Government is that they want to see businesses and organisations begin to re-open and the economy enter the road to recovery.    Central to this being successful, however, is places re-opening safely – minimising any risk to customers, staff and any other people who may come into contact with others in the workplace setting. For weeks now the importance of social distancing has been drilled into us along with hygiene practices such as washing our hands but to keep people focused it is vital that there are visual reminders.  These need to be located not just at contact points but all around offices, shops and then hopefully further down the line hospitality and visitor attraction venues.     We’ve already been asked to help...

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Want to boost sales? Try our direct approach!

If you have a customer database that you’ve not talked to in a while then get in touch to see how we can help you create interesting communications that’ll stir them into remembering you, contacting you and hopefully buying from you!   A recent example is a project we’ve completed for boating holiday specialists Nicols which was to produce a direct mailing postcard introducing the launch of their brand new 2018 brochure. Our idea was to minimise the waste and cost of sending brochures to the full database and instead send a more cost efficient teaser with a call to action for those desperate to receive a copy!   We wrote it and designed it, then got it printed on a lovely card stock to reflect the high-end nature of the holidays on offer....

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Need a brochure rápido?

When Mallorcan holiday company Sealand Villas needed a special brochure urgently for an exhibition, Mondo was quick off the starting blocks. In under two weeks, we wrote, designed and printed 28 pages packed with glossy images of appealing villa getaways. Although we can perform such incredible feats, we're just as happy to hear from clients with more generous timescales!   We deliver great looking artwork for a wide range of marketing materials – brought to life with high quality printing and finishing. Covering everything from corporate literature, business stationery and brochures to direct mail and even taxi wraps, our ideas are designed to grab the attention of your target market…and a few more besides!   Take a look at some of our work here. ...

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