The nature of the internet is that if you can’t find what you’re looking for easily and quickly you’ll move on to the next site. So it is vital to have a truly effective website.
There needs to be an initial visual spark of course…but the website also has to be easy to understand and easy to navigate around. Mondo is expert at creating websites that help readers find what they want in as few clicks as possible.
Website design portfolio
Content management systems
Powered by content management system our websites are perfect for those who want to have the flexibility to make changes and maintain their website but might not be technically minded.
Mondo’s team will build a bespoke content management system to power your website and then train you on how to do everything – from text and image changes to adding new pages, making blog posts and changing menus.
Nowadays websites aren’t just designed to be viewed on a computer. Your customers will also use tablets and mobile phones to research products and services so your website needs to be responsive to work hard for you on all devices.
Mondo’s team makes sure any website it builds both look great and functions correctly no matter type or size of device they are being viewed on.
Purchasing online is more popular than ever so there is the danger of a missed opportunity if your website doesn’t offer this. Luckily our clever technical guys have created Mondo’s very own ecommerce system for use within websites that require it.
Our ecommerce system can be tailored to suit your needs with functionality that includes the adding and categorising of products as well as linking similar products. In addition, the system produces customer documentation, such as invoices and receipts, and can generate numerous sales reports.